The show opens in a quaint, colorless town, televised on a black and white retro fashion tv where we meet a young girl name Nola once known for her vibrant imagination and artistic talents. However, Nola has lost her creative spark, weighed down by the pressures of conformity and routine. Her world is now a dull place, drained of inspiration and joy. Nola was giving up on her talents and dreams until one day...she was teleported out from her tv world and into a fantasy world of Madness. A world called "MAD CITY".
The world around her is now infused with color and creativity. She embarks on a creative fantasy quest through Mad City guided by Mad Bizarre characters with a driven goal to uplift and reignite Nola's creative spirit she once had by offering a few inspiring items from the streets of Mad City to avail her creativity. Showing her how to find beauty in the mundane.
Will Nola's creative spark be rejuvenated? Join us on this epic theatrical adventure of High Energy, dancing, laughter and interaction.